Friday, March 25, 2011


Today carnival was awesome !!!!!!!! Fun then last year... My lemonade and chocolate cake by the 3 Aranda class... quite nice... then, i saw Andrea shirt... at the bac got i paper written *Stalk me for Chocolate Cake* i was like O.O lol... then chat wif Andrea and An Yee... then continue walk wif my pal Kah Wei... play sum darts game and a ice challenge game.. My hand was Froze !!!!!!! then take care the stall wif An Yee and Andrea... then go play The Maze !!! kinda fun and creepy but my fren all ran away == then go watch theater... Big Mommas like father like sonDAMN FUNNY !!!!! ahahahaha.... the driving scene damn pro !!! haha.. watch wif Kah Wei, WAn Juen, Jenny Loo, Micheal, Areecca, Mun Yee and more :) then play haunted hse wif Andea,An Yee, Qao Minn and Claire... hold Andrea shoulder while walking coz is so dark !!!! and andrea tot is ghost who touch her so she whack my hand... hahaha~ i was the oni boy tat play wif them... after tat we play the maze !!! and it was free !!!! play wif Qao Minn,Andrea,An Yee and Kah Wei... this time hold Qao Minn shoulder... she wanted to hold AN Yee hand and accidentally hold my hand... Hahahaha :) and when wanted to go out... 2 guys blocking the road and the girls move behind and Qao Minn squeeze me form infront... feel lyk dying... so, i was lyk hugging her and move her away and go infront to move the 2 blockers !!! i save the day... hahaha... Andrea keep shouting for no reason... is jux newspaper my dear :) hahaha~ it was fun !!! and tired oso... wish can play wif them next year :) love u guys XD

Saturday, March 19, 2011

DOTA Skill 追女孩

1. 把你对DotA的热爱转为追女孩子的能量.... 2. 要追一个女孩,就必须有Farming的 "耐心" 和 跟你队友抢 Creeps 的"厚脸皮"... 3. 没有追不到的 HERO (女孩),只要你的 Movement Speed 够快 , 但别太 chiong , 不然容易死掉(代表失败)。。。 4. 要死(失败)的时候,你就回家regen 一下... 只要最重要的“大树/水晶塔”(心)不死,坚持到底,你还是有机会赢的(成功) 5. 选女孩子,就像 选Hero 一样。。。 要快点成功(就选容易Owning/ Fat的 HERO) 。想要慢慢来的话,就选 Late Game or Farm HERO... 6. 当你要杀一只Hero的时候, 是不是会先signal? 那就对了...你一定要告诉你的战友,那是你的菜... Dont KS!!! 7. 如果那个女孩子比较 PRO , 你就要和你的战友 teamwork 了... 8. 最好是有spy , 在女孩子身边放一两个愿意帮你制造机会的spy朋友,就像有map hack, 叫spy(tiny) 把 女孩Toss 过来... 让你整场game更容易Owning 9. 如果你觉得自己够pro,可以尝试SOLO追... 10. 当女孩子生气的时候,会开blade mail... 你就要Blink走(避开)一下,不然你也遭殃... 11. 如果你追她之前,要搜寻她的资料,像拿了DD 一样,成功率x200%~~~ 12. 如果有个supporter 在旁边,也可以增加成功率~~~ 13. 如果女孩有了男朋友千万别追,请直接Leaver,不然你就要小心中SAPU! 14. 要认清楚自己是什么类型的hero 比如:STR , AGI , INT... STR 是 比较帅的人, 因为不需要用脑就可以追到了... 只要直直冲,死了复活再冲 AGI 是 手脚比较快的人 , 因为在对方还没有反应之前(发现你在追她),他已经进入她的心里 INT 是 比较丑的人 , 因为要用智慧要追,如果不能早点End game,就要Farm钱(有钱后),才会成功,不然你就GG了 记得!!买对的 item(用对的方式) , 可以帮助你一帆风顺 总结, DotA是你追女孩子的最imba的参考书,多打DotA,追美女不是问题

Friday, March 11, 2011


All the SNSD girls at Gee~ they are so hot and pretty^^ Taeyeon looks so cute^^
Into the New World... SNSD 1st Songs and MV... damn nice^^ Yoona i love u
SNSD+2pm Cabi Songs Caribbean Bay :) Yoona so hot !!!

Yoona at Genie~ like her hairstyle so much !!!
Dunno why now days i love SNSD so much... their songs damn nice, they have sweet voice and so sexy, hot and pretty~ Love Yoona the most!!!!! she is cute,hot and sexy !!!!!!! haha... but oso like Taeyeon coz she is so cute^^,Sooyoung,Yuri and Seohyun :) and i like Tiffany too coz she speak english damn pro !!!!!! Love SNSD so much~ hahaha :)