Friday, March 25, 2011


Today carnival was awesome !!!!!!!! Fun then last year... My lemonade and chocolate cake by the 3 Aranda class... quite nice... then, i saw Andrea shirt... at the bac got i paper written *Stalk me for Chocolate Cake* i was like O.O lol... then chat wif Andrea and An Yee... then continue walk wif my pal Kah Wei... play sum darts game and a ice challenge game.. My hand was Froze !!!!!!! then take care the stall wif An Yee and Andrea... then go play The Maze !!! kinda fun and creepy but my fren all ran away == then go watch theater... Big Mommas like father like sonDAMN FUNNY !!!!! ahahahaha.... the driving scene damn pro !!! haha.. watch wif Kah Wei, WAn Juen, Jenny Loo, Micheal, Areecca, Mun Yee and more :) then play haunted hse wif Andea,An Yee, Qao Minn and Claire... hold Andrea shoulder while walking coz is so dark !!!! and andrea tot is ghost who touch her so she whack my hand... hahaha~ i was the oni boy tat play wif them... after tat we play the maze !!! and it was free !!!! play wif Qao Minn,Andrea,An Yee and Kah Wei... this time hold Qao Minn shoulder... she wanted to hold AN Yee hand and accidentally hold my hand... Hahahaha :) and when wanted to go out... 2 guys blocking the road and the girls move behind and Qao Minn squeeze me form infront... feel lyk dying... so, i was lyk hugging her and move her away and go infront to move the 2 blockers !!! i save the day... hahaha... Andrea keep shouting for no reason... is jux newspaper my dear :) hahaha~ it was fun !!! and tired oso... wish can play wif them next year :) love u guys XD