Monday, January 31, 2011


Ytd nite~ watch 童眼 DVD.... wah damn scary weih !!!!!!! Me,my bro and my cousin keep screaming !!!! hahahahahaha~ But the 3D effect quite nice.... wah, if see in 3D more freaky Nice lo....... ahahahahaha..... see untill 11 sumthin call an yee and claire to teman me oni an yee teman me...hahaha~ Panda Sis always my Best Sis ahahahahaha.... wish got 童眼 2 lo... coz at the end jux heard car crash... dunno wat happen... and inside tis move got a girl called Ciwi... her face look lyk Jie Yi lo~ haha... two oso cute cute wan... Jie Yi if u see tis dun come and scold me kay ??? hahahaha... wah, the ghost damn horrible keep suddenly come out and takut us... the eye white white wan.... the lighting keep green green wan !!!! starting to hate green colour !!!! Hate u green colour !!!! the most disgusting part is the guy vomit the white thingy and shake his head lyk eat too much drunk and starting got blood come out and the tongue fell off~ Yerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... but this movie quite nice laaaaaa~ haha...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Panda Sis & Polar Bro

Long ago, At a Far Far Distant at Earth
When Me and My beloved Panda Sis-An Yee
We were playing and chatting by the fone
and she always sleep until so late....
i care about her ma so i call her dont always sleep late after got Panda eye... and she said she lyk being a cute cute panda so I think think think to make her smile~ so, i call her Panda Sis... and my idea works she reli lyk that name hahahaha~
then i call myself Polar !!! and she lyk it too :DD haha
then i said u always lyk to eat bamboo and me lyk to eat ice~
and then she said she gonna climb up to the tree and sleep
hahahahaha~ i laugh :P lyk to have this kind of pet sis
I love u Panda Sis !!!!!! <3

超級星光大道 李佳薇 - 回家- 冠军歌

李佳薇 at 超級星光大道 2011 Live Won !!!!!! OMG she reali won !!!!

Malaysian won !!!!!!!! She get full marks in 4 row!!!!!!!She had an Awesome Voice !!!!!!!!! Support Her so Much
She won wif is Song~ So Touch T^T... We always Support U !!!!!!

Bored Kampung DD:

at Kampung edi~ but havent Chinese New Year !!!!! Haix
Sad laaaaaa~ Me wan Ang Pau laaaaaaaaaaa~
Me So Bored laaaaaaaa...... Sms wif An Yee and Claire :DD
But all busy so they ditch me DD: No fren teman me !!!!!!!!
Jux see my cousin jump here jump there lyk a monkey !!!!!!
Freaky Bored !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nvm, still can On9 to Facebook !!!! Happy Edi laaaa~
So, End Here laaaaa~ Bye everyone !!!!! Sayonara !!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Balik Kampung DD:

Today gonna Go back to Hometown....
Aiya~ Miss there so much... but dont wanna leave Kota Kemuning
Dunno Why ???
Go back Hometown gonna fell bored coz No Fren at there =(
But nvm... Chinese New Year can get Many Many Ang Pau !!!!!!!!!
haha~ nth special happen today.... jux Facebook-ing and Blogging
Balik Kampung Ambil Ang Pau :DD hahaha...
waiting sumthing to happen to Blog =)

Friday, January 28, 2011

My new Blog & Happy Chinese New Year !!!!

My old blog got abit cacat so i make a new wan =P
Yea !!!! Holiday edi and is Happy Chinese New Year !!!!! Happy !!!!!!!!!
Wish all my fren a Happy New Year !!!!!!!