Sunday, January 30, 2011

Panda Sis & Polar Bro

Long ago, At a Far Far Distant at Earth
When Me and My beloved Panda Sis-An Yee
We were playing and chatting by the fone
and she always sleep until so late....
i care about her ma so i call her dont always sleep late after got Panda eye... and she said she lyk being a cute cute panda so I think think think to make her smile~ so, i call her Panda Sis... and my idea works she reli lyk that name hahahaha~
then i call myself Polar !!! and she lyk it too :DD haha
then i said u always lyk to eat bamboo and me lyk to eat ice~
and then she said she gonna climb up to the tree and sleep
hahahahaha~ i laugh :P lyk to have this kind of pet sis
I love u Panda Sis !!!!!! <3